Lugenbuhl’s team of highly experienced maritime lawyers regularly create and tailor charterparties for our clients who own, operate or charter vessels. We draft customized maritime contracts for the most demanding applications. We also negotiate contracts that our clients or their own customers may propose, whether those contracts are in-house forms like master service contracts or blanket time charters, or industry-standard templates like BIMCO’s SUPPLYTIME, TOWCON and BARECON forms.
- Assist the owners, operators and insurers of tugs, barges and offshore service vessels in managing inherent risks.
- Facilitate maritime commerce by helping clients negotiate maritime contracts with their own customers and suppliers.
- Advise P&I Clubs and their members, and fixed-premium insurers and their policyholders, on contractual reallocations of risk and limitations on freedom of contract.
- Litigate or arbitrate disputes arising from maritime contracts.
- Negotiating & enforcing charterparties
- Customized maritime contracts
- In-house forms
- Master service agreements
- Contracts of affreightment
- Towage, fleeting, and shifting agreements
- Blanket time charters
- BIMCO SUPPLYTIME for offshore support vessels
- TOWCON and TOWHIRE agreements
- BARECON bareboat charter agreements